- feels good to have a mix with a sax solo on it! #
- @nesslei wicked glad you liked it, did that one real fast! in reply to nesslei #
- @joemuggs lol great minds think alike in reply to joemuggs #
- anyone heard LD's remix of do you mind? #
- @malcolmchen ta in reply to malcolmchen #
- @SamDiss irie in reply to SamDiss #
- @colz "skankworthy" is now a word. As is "skunkworthy" in reply to colz #
- @TKGMusic wicked in reply to TKGMusic #
- Reviewing contract for next single. Worth so little I should just sign it and send it! #
- @danhancox I give it 2 weeks before mr cowie storms off in a huff 🙂 in reply to danhancox #
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