Chatter for 2009-10-05

  • Done this heavy broken electro thing last night, alright, needs a trim, and a decent edit to the mad 4×4 jazzy racer from ages ago. #
  • Need 2 check em in the mix with scuba and silkie gear tho. Dunno where the funky vibe went must be this funkstep label putting me off #
  • @shortstuffmusic maybe over-analysing. But I try to make sure my tunes mix with other good stuff. At least then I know I can play em out! in reply to shortstuffmusic #
  • Wow. Getting scuba diving spam RTs now. Paul rose gonna be well pissed off! #
  • Soundclash TP sounding gigantic! You may not like it but good god, the bass! #
  • RT @thomasplanetmu: BRACKLES RAWCUS / AIR PIE OUT TODAY PLANET MU ZIQ247 big release (via @Ikonika) #

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