Blogariddims 22: Disintegrations « The Rambler

Blogariddims 22: Disintegrations « The Rambler
Unlike my previous Blogariddims contribution there was a plan behind this mix. But as I started putting it together I also decided on a different strategy for mixing too. On Voices from Afar the idea was very definitely to keep layering things, filling up the sound space as much as possible; I might have up to 5 tracks running at once. That was fine, but I was always a bit uncomfortable with the fact that I seemed reluctant to let any of the music – all of which I loved – speak for itself, without the friendly support of massive overdubs. Why not let the music do more of the work on its own?

Wow. Neo-classical ardkore mentalism from the man like Rambler. This should be heavy.

Bloagariddims is just incredible! You wouldn’t get another series of mixes anywhere else that would be this varied, yet connected, and above all, HIGH QUALITY. Droid exercises real sound control. It’s always a huge challenge to do a blogariddims podcast… Rambler’s last one was wicked so I’m looking forward to this.

lower end spasm.: FWD>>

lower end spasm.: FWD>>
It felt very much like a homecoming on Friday down in Plastic People at JME’s birthday party and Serious launch, as grime MCs once again re-addressed the balance.

Top notch review of FWD / JME birthday by Alex Bok Bok.

Chicken pox…

Random picture of chicken pox on an adult male - not me!

So, my mum swears blind I had chicken pox when I was little, and that all three of us kids had it one after another. This gives you lifelong immunity right?

Hence I was quite happy to be looking after my two boys over the last few weeks as they suffered through it. So when I started feeling rotten on Friday I thought I’d just got a cold… it was just weird that I had this spot on my neck… Then Saturday morning – boom. A brace of spots. And they’ve just spread like crazy since then.

The weekend was, well, awful, terrible flu symptoms, stabbing pains, and nausea. I’m a bit better today but the spots are still multiplying, including in some very personal places indeed. And at random they will start producing these horrible stabbing pains, especially if you knock one of them. It’s the nerve ganglions protesting at the damage being inflected by the herpes virus. (Chicken pox is a variant of the herpes virus – there seem to be plenty of them – and the virus tends to attach itself to the nerves, which is why the grown up version of chicken pox is, usually, shingles, which I had last year in my eye and is awful).

Anyway, I went to see the doc this morning and he said, yes, you’ve got chicken pox, and yes, you can get it twice, even though most doctors don’t like to admit it. Which is a pain, because I have to stay in all week, which means a) missing Mala on Tuesday in Sheffield, which is of course going to be fantastic, and b) missing a business trip to New York.

On the other hand, my hosting company has managed to fix a few issues, which means that wordpress is running a lot more smoothly now, so blogging is a whole lot easier… as you may have noticed from the flurry of posts today. So there may be a mini-avalanche of posts this week… if the sores on my hands don’t get any worse, and stop weeping so much my fingers slip off the keyboard…

gutterbreakz back on decks

I’ll be playing a full hour at H.E.N.C.H this Thursday (17th) along with D1, Blazey and the residents.

Fellow dubstep dad gutterbreakz pon deckle on Thursday. Brizzle crew, yuh know…

STREAMIZM! dubstep saved my life archives now up!!!


Boomnoise (and friends) put a massive effort into the first big dubstep forum event, even to the extent of getting it streamed live – now that’s professional! And from all accounts it WENT OFF. But! You can judge for yourself. Streamizm is putting the archives up ALREADY! Downloads soon. The link above is for the MASSIVE Reso Vs Rusko set but just go to for all the rest (bar Mala, for obvious reasons, and some of Shackleton).

Wicked stuff. Between this, the FWD sets, and (ahem) my vids of Youngsta we have lots of fresh live dubstep coming through online.

As John Eden is wont to say, even if dubstep isn’t that good musically*, the people are amazing!

* obviously I think dubstep is the best scene in the world right now…