I’m beginning to really like the Scissor Scisstors. I know this is against K-Punk-approved orthodoxy — and of course Mark’s the MAN now that Matt is beginning to tire of the burden. His comments boxes are busier than Barbelith and would get better rates from Double-Click than most of the communities on the web.
But I can’t help it. That version of Comfortably Numb is just pure disco heaven.
On a similar tip, I just heard a big beat version of Sattelite of Love that was great.
I guess I’m on safer ground with the new George Michael. That’s a classic, isn’t it? And there’s a man who understands dance music. Take someone else’s track — that “absolutely perfect” track, never did find out who it was — cut it up a bit, and stick some of your own singing on it. Class. Talk about versioning. The video, which I saw on ToTP — n0 multichannel nonsense here! — was great too. Genius for four minutes — just what you want.