Blogariddims 26: Ben UFO

Fuck me.

Noone told me about this.

Don’t even think about the “D” word before listening to this mix – this is just totally out there music. The tragedy is that I reckon few will really appreciate what Ben is doing with the music when he, for examples, mixes two sparkling, almost-chthonic unreleased dubs from Untold and TRG with Slector Dub U with Mala’s notoriously un-mixable Learn – it’s artistic DJing of the highest degree, so good it is almost invisible. Stunning deep technoid dubstep, similar to the more meditiative moments of Sufferah 3 (the mixes share some tracks), and, I beleive, a live mix, not Ableton. And with few if any reggae references, it manages to be both warm and vitally alive without going down the minimal k-hole.

Best of all he moves on to one of my favourite 2 step records – Groove Chronicles’ Masterplan, then takes into Pangaea’s eeeeeevviiiilllly funky Coiled. You can bet I will be buying this when it coms out on Hessle Audio. Loooveeellyyy. And then going from Matty G’s lush 808 Bass into El B’s Serious – awesome. Just where I’m coming from right now. Like, absolutely spot on – since finishing the album I’ve been listening exclusively to old 2step and mixing it with the latest dubstep.

I LOVED IT. Download even if you’re bored with dubstep.

2 Replies to “Blogariddims 26: Ben UFO”

  1. you may not like what we do but what the hell, bit of a history lesson maybe !!!

    From Springline Jamaica World Radio
    Born out of the label

    Home of Uncle Fee record label & Black Harmony sound
    The live 365 station is now on air with exclusive prees and classic tunes mixed by myself Pace, Moni, UncleFee and Gibbs.
    Please support original Jamaican talent
    Its brand new and FREE
    Now broadcasting on

    We have a new mix up now featuring many of the new artists now signed to springline Jamaica.
    4 Pace mixes now and 2 versions of “I man a mafia” just added.

    for a sample of what we do, here is a session.

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