Shaun Bloodworth is a well known and excellent photographer who is best known in music circles for his portrait work for Rinse. Those amazing pictures of people like Geeneus, Chef, Skream etc? They’re by Shaun. He did the Margins Music album cover too. So he’s a badman basically. Plus, for this year’s Sonar, Mary Anne Hobbs commissioned Shaun to make a film to act as a backdrop for the artists performing on her stage. This took things to another level, with Shaun using the video function on his stills camera to shoot video of raves in Sheffield, as well as filming video portraits of particular ravers.
The film turned out great.
And then he wanted to have it out there with a soundtrack – and got a slot to premiere it, at prestigious Sheffield art cinema the Showroom. He had someone else lined up to do the soundtrack, but they couldn’t do it, so a week last Wednesday Shaun asked if I could do it.
By midnight that night, I’d delivered. And Wednesday this week, we went to the premiere!
That was an amazing night, with Mark from Wall of Sound and 6Music doing a speech on how amazing Sheffield is for inspirational music, and various art figures and Council big wigs in attendence. Best of all, Martin Ware from the Human League and Heaven 17 was there talking about the great new film about Heaven 17 that also premiered. It was cool!
And now, Shaun’s film is online. Titled Minds Locked Together, it’s a portrait of Sheffield clubbing, putting the crowd to the forefront. There are various DJs and MCs in the film, most importantly and amusingly the mighty Rodigan, but it’s really all about the people. It’s scenius in action.
My sound track starts off with jungle, including the title track, before sliding down into house, funky and sort-of-dubstep. It went off on the big system in the Showroom and I’m really pleased with the way the whole thing comes together.
You can see it here.
Please blog this, write about it etc, it’s really worth supporting!
Post on Brainfeeder here.
Post on the Bleep blog here.