Chatter for 2009-07-19

  • @ramadub what did you play at dubwar? in reply to ramadub #
  • Black Ops周辺は当時学生だった事とか、データ販売が普及していなかったこともあって買い逃しまくったなー。しかも今更見つからない・・・ (via @quarta330) dunno wot it means but BLACK OPS #
  • @ramadub you legend. But WHAT did you play? What style did u go for? in reply to ramadub #
  • @smutlee mail me and I'll link you to ice rink in reply to smutlee #
  • Feel terrible. Only erykah keeping me going. So many tunes I want to refix #
  • Loving the Paul Morley composition tv prog right now. I need to get me a keyboard. Use a chord in one of my tunes… #
  • @crazylegsclub just a bug in reply to crazylegsclub #
  • Watching Biggie freestyles on youtube. (via @DJTayo) showed this to my 4 yo, he was into it #
  • Sprawled on sofa sipping lemsip and listening to aphrodite. Considering a refix. #

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FACT puts Ice Rink Remix in its Tracks of the week

ice rink

I mised this at the time… FACT bigging up the Ice Rink remix. You can hear this on the myspace and on the mix for Crazy Legs club. I am playing a Crazy Legs soon, on the 31st, so you can hear it on a big system then.


“Woofah magazine co-editor and the man behind one of last year’s most underrated albums, Belief is the Enemy, has been foraging into UK Funky productions lately, and they’re fantastic. If you’ve heard Kode 9’s recent sets you’ll have heard GA’s edit of ‘Loser’, which is coming out soon on a white label under an alias, but his remixes of Wiley’s classic ‘Ice Rink’ step things up even further. The instrumental is good, but it’s all about the Riko version, which keeps the original’s alien squelches and clashes, mutates the best vocal from the original 12″s, and pretty much pisses all over the entire Major Lazer album.”

Thanks Tom!

FACT magazine review of Bubblez feat. Lady Saw: ‘Loser’

FACT Magazine have a good review of Lady Saw / Move Down Low up here.

Thanks Tam!

Rating: 7.5

“It’s no secret that the man behind both the edits on this 12″ is Sheffield-based dubstep producer/Woofah magazine co-editor/general blogger dun’ good Grievous Angel, and they’ve been a pivotal point of Kode 9’s sets for a while; usually played either side of his own ‘Black Sun’. The familiarity of both tracks might have detracted from their impact since that night at Beyond, and I’m not sure either are as great as Grievous’ UK funky edit of Wiley’s ‘Ice Rink’, but still – if ever there’s a track you’ll ignore when it finally comes out, then hear it a year down the line and realise how stupid you were and end up shelling half a week’s rent on discogs then it’s this one.”

Chatter for 2009-07-17

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Chatter for 2009-07-16

  • Crazylegs presents @MJCOLE, @BENUFO, @GRIEVOUSANGELUK, JOY ORBISON and more – 31st July at Thekla, Bristol. (via @crazylegsclub) #
  • @badgatek reread old stuff on strategic name changes-menta etc. New name frees u 2 do new tings. Now I have TWO rubbish names:) in reply to badgatek #
  • New bd1982 single ft 77klash and rmxs by me, @DJTayo, slugabed, turnin tricks, hovatron + more comin on seclusiasis. (via @starkbotbeats) #
  • @starkbotbeats who is bd1982??? in reply to starkbotbeats #
  • @missmanara what we need is more cunnilungus songs. Also queer dubstep. Some hope. in reply to missmanara #
  • @badgatek lol no it came out of nowhere! "bubble…thAt's a good name!" didn't think of mj. Not sure if wire reference is good either! in reply to badgatek #
  • In bed with rotten bug. Going to catch up on email and then sleep #

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Chatter for 2009-07-15

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