Most important thing – the food is amazing! Even better than the big chill. Wicked, chilled out vibe. Lots of folk music, some great rock, lots of reggae coming out of the stalls… Best band so far is fight like apes, an irish band combining squeals of digital distortion with super fat bass and drums, a cacophony of synths and a compelling female singer who twists nasty noises out of a tiny keyboard. They rock. I think they’ll be huge – the irish accents make them sound american already! Turned bitterly cold last night and i turned my ankle over and got a really bad case of the shakes but we woke to a perfect sky and mist drifting down the valley. Been brilliant today, but I think the much-predicted deluge is coming tomorrow. Fortunately we have come with wonderful people who brought whisky and bourbon. Niceness…
bummer… the rains did come, didn’t they? A friend and his child got swept away by (his call) a biblical deluge which is partly my fault cos i recommended it as a sane festival to take kids… ah well, hope you found some fun anyway…
and it is a beautiful location… i’ve got a similar pic but in the middle of a huge storm a few years back… looks a lot more idyllic in yours…