- live 8 + tablas + looper + apc40= ok, no excuses. This shit is INSANE (via @Sharmabeats) yeah but what bpm? #
- Wife just told me her students have never heard of kooyaanisquaatsi! Or Philip glass! What is the world coming to? #minimal #
- RT @djoneman DJing @ FWD>> this Sunday with Youngsta, Chef & Scratcha vs Roska! (via @the8bitch) fucking get in #
- Soundclash / Harpy preview on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2odXfC #
- @SteakhouseBeats post grad architecture in reply to SteakhouseBeats #
- @bok_bok did a stupidly deep halfstep house thing last night in reply to bok_bok #
- @NXTLVL_CH Glad you like soundclash! in reply to NXTLVL_CH #
- @PLANET_KL Glad you like soundclash… really does hit the dancefloor hard! in reply to PLANET_KL #
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