GUTTERBREAKZ: “Suicide, Cabs, TG, Chrome, The Normal, ACR, Human League, Joy Division, Wire, Devo”
Now, not being of the Wire persuasion*, other than a cursory look at the pictures when I’m at Uncarved Towers, I have no idea what our Jon has stuck on the tape. But if it was me, it wopuld go something like:
TG: Heathen Earth — a bit chosen at random
Suicide — a short excerpt of Che with some echo on it, mixed into Frankie Teardrop
Joy Division — Digital
The Normal — Warm Letherette — spun back after two minutes, then into the Grace Jones version
Human League — Being Boiled — the big, punding version, not the original — then into the dub of Hard Times
ACR — Waterline
Wire — Map Reference
Devo — Satisfaction
Actually you’d probably have to do one section of dance music and one section of post-rock. Joy Division would probably go in the dance music section. Yes that’s an ideological point.
* Was it the Wire? Or was it Mojo? All these magazines I look at before picking up Country Lift, the journal of rural elevator installation firms…
BTW I’m beginning to think maybe I was into Arthur Russell all along, though I am probably still mixing him up with George Russell, whose “Livingstone I Presume” was the ultimate in evil big band doomcore, at the time.