Chatter for 2009-07-04

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Chatter for 2009-07-03

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Soundclash preview on YouTube

Check the new single for Blackdown’s Keysound label on YouTube! Sounds massive…

And check out Mary Anne Hobbs show this week for audio of Soundclash as well – she dropped it as her first tune!

Who recognises the “light” image? Only for the headz who know…

Chatter for 2009-07-02

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Chatter for 2009-06-29

  • RT @sideb0ard: Ben ufo dropping joy orbison's 'hyphmango' at fwd – amazing! THIS IS A CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN #
  • @bok_bok what are they saying alex? Assume yr with manat in reply to bok_bok #
  • Redone broken funky tune a bit, gonna send it out. Wanna do a dub mix of it. #
  • Can't decide whether to make some beats or paint some floors #

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