Jeremy Deller’s Manchester procession

I went to Jeremy Deller’s procession in Manchester the weekend before last. It was fantastic! Deller’s aim was to represent lots of people who don’t normally figure in civic processions, without breaking the concept of an actual civic procession. We thought it worked really well. Right up History is Made At Night’s street. And indeed Infinite’s – this post is a response to Georgina’s comments on her blog about her end of year show, which is a response to John Eden’s psychogeographical review of it.

Here’s the Guardian’s video:

And another official video about the marchers, including the marching bands – this one performing the Fall’s Hit the North, and the boy racers:

The front of the procession – this one’s just some guy with a phone I think…

I didn’t video all the bet bits but you had:

– the few surviving Manchester mill workers

– various May Queens

– mobile libraries

– the crowd of goths who hang around a town square with a truck with their favourite local goth band laying

– a 60-strong troupe of Hindu bag pipers in full Scottish regalia (!!!!!!!)

– a collection of boy racers in souped up hot hatches with massive soundsystems, all tuned into a special pirate radio broadcast by the Blackout Crew

– a reconstruction of England’s oldest tea toom

– the African buskers and dancers from the city centre on a flat bed truck performing for the crowd
– best of all, a steel band playing various Manchester hits, especially Joy Division, New Order and Buzzcocks.

It was all absolutely wonderful. It was the sort of thing Sheffield should do.

Chatter for 2009-07-14

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Chatter for 2009-07-10

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Chatter for 2009-07-09

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Chatter for 2009-07-08

  • Move down low remix / erzulie02 now in the country, in shops Monday! #
  • Interesting to see the orisha being claimed by uk funky nights #
  • @danhancox to be fair, niche was dodgy as fuck. Plenty of other bassline/speed garage nights still happening. For the kids though iykwim in reply to danhancox #

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Chatter for 2009-07-07

  • painted half the studio floor while doing a finalmixdown of the blackdown and dusk mix album. Now, how do I get out of the room? #
  • @PLANET_KL it's the last few tweaks, so better to have a bit of distance. put the album on in the background & if anything leaps out, fix it in reply to PLANET_KL #
  • @danhancox i have a vast presentation on new labour social housing. short verdict – not bad actually but buidling new housing is v v hard in reply to danhancox #
  • @SteakhouseBeats that would be most kind. i'll dm you my address. thanks! in reply to SteakhouseBeats #

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Blackdown: what do you call it? part 23

“When I look around the Rinse roster, as well as the funky selectors, it’s DJs like Oneman and Brackles, who share our Thursday 11pm slot, who I increasingly feel musical affinity with. Dusk and I take a different approach to how we use old school on our show, and I sure would love to mix like Oneman, but selection wise I think there’s common ground.

Hyperdub have been an incredible inspiration in the last two years, but it’s nice to now see a collection of likeminded producers/DJs like Ben UFO, Oneman, Brackles, Braiden, Alex Bok Bok, Grievous Angel, Shortstuff, Martin Kemp and Joy Orbison using Hyperdubs, funky and old school grime β€˜n’ garage sensibilities to find a way that isn’t either wobble, dub techno or dull commercial house. To find a way that preserves the quintessential London elements of feminine pressure, rawness, rudeness and all the other nuum factors, without coalescing into just one thing or becoming something unlistenable or unlistenably dull.

In practical terms, this may be as much a question of bpms as selection. Funky rides at 130 bpm, 2step-badman Sully flexes at 134ish and grime’s at 140bpm still. I’ve seen harder dubstep DJs pushing 150bpm. To me, with the gravity of the mass creativity of funky right now, I feel an urge to drop the bpms and up the groove.”

This is absolutely where I’m coming from right now. That strange yet familiar middle ground is just where my head’s at. I am delighted to be included in Blackdown’s list. The new “Magic Dub” tune a few of you have got is about dubstep, it’s about keeping 140 a worthwhile tempo… but it’s a halfstep house tune. Just to make the point… and because the sample is so good. I want to do more “dark subby dubstep” that’s … good.

So in the next month I have two singles dropping. One, next Monday, is bashy funky. One is dubstep, 140bpm garage and wonky. The line between the two is where the flex is.

lower end spasm.: 2 mixes for this week

FROM the magnificent Dan Hancox:

lower end spasm.: 2 mixes for this week
Crazy Legs’ booking policy continues to impress me. I’m yet to attend one of their nights but judging by their booking policy and presentation, they’re definitely on a wavelength – Bristol’s answer to Night Slugs?
Anyway this is the 2nd of their mix series and it comes from longtime badman Grievous Angel. A lot of the GA productions Kode9 has been championing can be heard here, check it out.